702 North Frances Street, Terrell, TX
(972) 563-3643
Youth Ministries
Upcoming dates:
• Letter of intent due Nov.23.
• Regular Registration Due: Mon, Jan. 13
Applications are available At the Parish center,
see Michelle
NOV. 20 we will be having Eucharistic Adoration For all students in Youth Group & Confirmation. Meet in the Parish Hall at 6:30 PM Adoration will be from 7:00 PM PM in the Old Church followed by hot chocolate and pastries in the Parish Hall.
We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM
Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM during
Regular religious education months.
Check the bulletin during the Summer
months for meeting and event schedules.
All teens age 14-18 are
always welcome.
Even if you are in High school confirmation,
you are welcome to join us for any meeting.
The Young Women's Group is a group for young ladies ages 13-18. We meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8:00pm. Our sessions help our Catholic girls develop an apostolic heart so they will be Christian role models to their peers and others by helping to boost their self esteem and encouraging and empowering them to pursue the biggest dreams they can dream.
We teach them that God has a special purpose for each and every one of us.
We participate in many different service projects from mission trips to San Antonio to help cleanup and preserve the beautiful mission churches, helping raise money for the Genesis Center for abused women and children, raising money for the Healing Hearts Ministry to help improve the lives of abused women and their families, helping the Sisters of Charity to clean an area for a garden, volunteering to help with many church events, participating in prolife events, giving pretty nails at the nursing homes, and much more.